Problem 2 - Applications of solving linear systems

  1. Linear Transformations

    The matrix \begin{displaymath}R_z =
cos(\theta) & -sin(\theta) & 0\\
sin(\theta) & cos(\theta) & 0\\
0 & 0 & 1
\end{array}\right)\end{displaymath} represents the rotation of the angle $ \theta$ around the z-axis. $ y = R_z x$ gives that y will be x rotated $ \theta$ degrees around the z-axis.

    If you have time, visualize a rotation with the graphics system used in the A7 session. Draw both $ x$ and $ R_z x$ for some vectors $ x$.

  2. Inverting Linear Transformations

    The equation $ R_z x = b$, where $ R_z$ is the rotation matrix given above, $ x$ is unknown and $ b$ is a known vector, gives that x will be rotated by $ R_z$ and produce $ b$. But here we only have $ b$, we don't have $ x$. Here we need to solve the equation $ R_z x = b$ to find $ x$. Select a simple angle $ \theta$ ( $ \frac{pi}{2}$ for example) and solve $ R_z x = b$ using Gaussian elimination, verify with Matlab.

    If you have time, visualize this new situation with the graphics system. Draw both x and b and verify visually that x is rotated back from b.

  3. More Linear Transformations

    Do the same for other linear transformations from the AMBS book. Which ones are invertible and which ones aren't?

Johan Jansson 2004-10-04