Welcome to the Body and Soul Project presenting a Reform Program for Applied Mathematics Education from introductory undergraduate to graduate level, supported by the Finite Element Center.
The project contains:
Main features of the program are:
- The program is based on a modern synthesis of Computation (Body) and Mathematical Analysis (Soul).
- The program may be described as Computational Mathematical Modeling CMM or the Calculus of the Computer Era.
- The program is both understandable and useful.
- The program presents a general powerful approach to CMM as a basis for the effective use of modern mathematical methods in mechanics, physics, chemistry and applied subjects.
- The program includes a large variety of educational material, which opens new possibilites of active learning.
- The program increases the motivation of the student by applying mathematical methods to interesting and important concrete problems already from the start.
- The program gives both theoretical and computational tools and builds confidence.
- The program contains most of the traditional material from basic courses in analysis and linear algebra, but also much more.